Mission, Goals and Objectives


NutraCo Dietetic Internship is dedicated to the preparation of entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists by cultivating a culture of learning, growth, and excellence nationwide. We are committed to equipping our graduates to successfully obtain their Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credential and positively impact all those they serve in a caring and compassionate manner.

Program Goal 1

Program graduates will become competent, caring dietetic professionals in a variety of settings as entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists.


    • Program Completion Objectives:
      Objective 1a.
      Non-degree Option/Student-identified graduate degree program (full time interns):
      At least 80% of full time interns complete program requirements within 12 months (150% of planned program length).
      Objective 1b.
      Non-degree Option/Student-identified graduate degree program (part time interns):
      At least 80% of part time interns complete program requirements within 23 months (150% of planned program length).
      Objective 1c.
      Graduate Degree (MS in Human Nutrition through University of Alabama):
      At least 80% of interns complete program requirements within 32 months (150% of planned program length).
      Objective 1d.
      Graduate Degree (MPH through University of South Florida; MS through CUNY Queens College; MS through West Chester University; MS in Nutrition and Human Performance through Graceland University):
      At least 80% of interns complete program requirements within 36 months (150% of planned program length).
      Objective 1e.
      Graduate Degree (MPS Leadership in Nutrition through Middle Tennessee State University):
      At least 80% of interns complete program requirements within 23 months (150% of planned program length).
      Objective 1f.                                                                                                                                                                           Graduate Degree (MS through Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science): At least 80% of interns complete program requirements within 27 months (150% of planned program length).
  • At least 80% of program graduates will take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists within 12 months of program completion.
  • The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%.
  • At least 70% of employers (who respond to the survey) will rate program graduates as competent dietetic professionals as meets, occasionally exceeds or exceeds expectations in their position after 12 months of program completion.

Program Goal 2

Program graduates will positively impact all those they serve in their life-long pursuit of cultivating a culture of excellence and professional growth in their careers.


  • Of graduates who seek employment, at least 70% are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation.
  • At least 80% of employers (who respond to the survey) of program graduates will have a satisfactory response (meets, occasionally exceeds or exceeds) when asked how prepared graduates were for entry-level practice after 12 months of program completion.
  • At least 70% of program graduates (that respond to the survey) will respond “yes” when asked if they are involved in professional organizations within 12 months of program completion.
  • At least 70% of employers (that respond to the survey) will rate program graduates as having a positive impact on those they serve as meets, occasionally exceeds or exceeds expectations in their positions after 12 months of program completion.

Program outcomes are available upon request by contacting the Program Director, Dawn Hershey, at dhershey@nutraco.com

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Accreditation Information

NutraCo Dietetic Internship is currently granted full accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics